Variable Rate Shading: first impressions

Variable Rate Shading (VRS) is a new DX12 feature introduced recently, that can be used to control shading rate. To be more precise, it is used to reduce shading rate, as opposed to the Multi Sampling Anti Aliasing (MSAA) technique which is used to increase it.

When using MSAA, every pixel gets allocated multiple samples in the render target, but unless multiple triangles touch it, it will be only shaded once. VRS on the other hand doesn’t allocate multiple samples per pixel, instead it can broadcast one shaded pixel to nearby pixels, and only shade a group of pixels once. The shading rate means how big is the group of pixels that can get shaded as one.


DirectX 12 lets the developer specify the shading rate as a block of pixels, it can be 1×1 (default, most detailed), 1×2, 2×1, 2×2 (least detailed) in the basic hardware implementation. Optionally, hardware can also support 2×4, 4×2, 4×4 pixel group at an additional capability level. The granularity of the shading rate selection can be controlled per draw call by the basic Tier1 VRS hardware. Controlling by draw call is already a huge improvement over MSAA, because that means shading rate is not consistent across the screen. To set the shading rate, it couldn’t be easier:

commandlist5->RSSetShadingRate(D3D12_SHADING_RATE_2X2, nullptr); // later about second parameter

That’s it, unlike MSAA, we don’t need to do any resolve passes, it just works as is.

The Tier2 VRS feature level lets the developer specify the shading rate granularity even per triangle by using the SV_ShadingRate HLSL semantic for a uint shader input parameter. The SV_ShadingRate can be written as output from the vertex shader, domain shader, geometry shader and mesh shader. In all of the cases, the shading rate will be set per primitive, not per vertex, even though vertex and domain shaders only support the per vertex execution model. The triangle will receive the shading rate of the provoking vertex, which is the first vertex of the three vertices that make up the triangle. The pixel shader can also read the shading rate as an input parameter, which could be helpful in visualizing the rate.

The Tier2 VRS implementation also supports controlling the shading rate by a screen aligned texture. The screen aligned texture is a R8_UINT formatted texture, which contains the shading rate information per tile. A tile can be 8×8, 16×16 or 32×32 pixel block, it can be queried from DX12 as part of the D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS6 structure:

D3D12_FEATURE_DATA_D3D12_OPTIONS6 features_6;
device->CheckFeatureSupport(D3D12_FEATURE_D3D12_OPTIONS6, &features_6, sizeof(features_6));
features_6.VariableShadingRateTier; // shading rate image and per primitive selection only on tier2
features_6.ShadingRateImageTileSize; // tile size will be 8, 16 or 32
features_6.AdditionalShadingRatesSupported; // Whether 2x4, 4x2 and 4x4 rate is supported

Which means, that the shading rate image resolution will be:

width = (screen_width + tileSize - 1) / tileSize;
height = (screen_height + tileSize - 1) / tileSize;

To bind the shading rate image, a call exists:


The shading rate image will need to be written from a compute shader through an Unordered Access View (RWTexture2D<uint>). Before binding it with the RSSetShadingRateImage command, it needs to be in the D3D12_RESOURCE_STATE_SHADING_RATE_SOURCE.

So there are multiple ways to set the shading rate: RSSetShadingRate, SV_ShadingRate, RSSetShadingRateImage, but which one will be in effect? This can be specified through the second parameter of the RSSetShadingRate() call with an array of combiners. The combiners can specify which shading rate selector will be chosen. For example, one that specified the least detailed shading rate (D3D12_SHADING_RATE_COMBINER_MAX), or the most detailed (D3D12_SHADING_RATE_COMBINER_MIN), or by other logic. Right now, I just want to apply the coarsest shading rate that was selected at all times, so I call this at the beginning of every command list:

GetDirectCommandList(cmd)->RSSetShadingRate(D3D12_SHADING_RATE_1X1, combiners);

Next, I’d like to show some of the potential effects these can play into.

Comparison of native (full rate) and variable rate shading (4×4 reduction). Texture sampling quality is reduced with VRS.
Lighting quality is reduced with VRS (below) compared to full resolution shading (above), but geometry edges are retained.
4×4 shading rate reduction for the particles. Large overlapping particles with lighting must reduce shading rate or rendered lower resolution for good performance. (ground plane also using VRS here)
Shading rate classification by velocity buffer and moving camera.
Vegetation particle system using alpha testing


There are particles in the foreground, not depth tested and instead blended in the shader which causes blockiness with VRS enabled (left)


Enabling the VRS gets me a significant performance boost, especially when applying to large geometries, such as the floor in Sponza (that also uses an expensive parallax occlusion mapping shader for displacement mapping), or the large billboard particles that are overlapping and using an expensive lighting shader. Some performance results using RTX 2060, 4k resolution:

left: visualizing variable shading rate
right: motion blur amount
Motion blur increases cost when blur amount increases, but VRS reduces cost at the same time
particle performance test – very large particles on screen, overlapping, sampling shadow map and lighting calculation

Thanks for reading, you can read about VRS in more detail in the DX12 specs.

As Philip Hammer called out on Twitter, the Nvidia VRS extension is also available in Vulkan, OpenGL and DX11:


Vulkan now has the cross vendor extension for variable rate shading, called the KHR_fragment_shading_rate. This is somewhat different from the DX12 specs, as the shading rate image needs to be a render pass attachment instead of a separate binding. This is different from the former VK_NV_shading_rate which was closer to DX12 in that regard. The new one follows a more Vulkan-like approach. For the example of implementation, you can look at Wicked Engine’s Vulkan interface.

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